Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Road To Healing and Healthy Weight Loss

I have done the Hallelujah Acres lifestyle before, . This is basically a vegan diet whereby 80% of the food consumed is raw and therefore living. 20% can be cooked but NO animal source proteins! There are several major "no's", including all animal source protein, which includes dairy. No white / bleached flour and grains, no sugar or artificial sweeteners, although honey (not considered vegan by most) is encouraged. And of course caffeine and diet sodas are prohibited. The program was started by Reverend Dr. George Malkmus and his wife and is based on the Biblical principle given in Genesis 1:29, which says, "And God said, 'See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food." I would rather encourage the reader to check out the Web Site for the best, most comprehensive, and accurate information on the program.

But I do know that it works. I know because I lived this lifestyle for two years before. I was riddled with fibromayalgia  and rheumatoid arthritis. Not to mention obesity and high blood pressure. As I followed the plan I watched my body melt away from a size 18 to a size 10. My vision improved, my RA went into complete remission, and my fibromayalgia was on its way out the door too. I was feeling like a twenty-year-old again and even started back attending college. I was off every one of my medications. The main picture on my blog you will see me in a tree, fully energized and looking fantastic!

 Unfortunately, I lost my beloved Green Star juicer in a divorce and became lazy, eventually getting back to my old ways, in a size 16, and getting sick again.

So now that I know the power of living foods and juices to heal, I am re-embarking on this journey. This time, however, I will not make the mistake I did before and quit. As I said, it is truly a lifestyle, not a diet.

I began this past Wednesday, October 19, 2011, weighing in at 190 pounds. Bust: 40"; Waist: 43"; Hips: 40".  Not quite the curvy hourglass I had before. I am not only documenting my physical measurements, but also my fibro symptoms and energy levels on a daily basis. I only weigh and measure myself once per week, though. I may even cut the bust/waist/hip measurements back to twice a month. I will be certain to document every change, though, because it is my hope that this will serve as a testimony and proof that it works. We truly are what we eat, and when we eat living food, we'll keep replenishing our cells with new healthy ones and enable our immune systems to do what God intended!

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